Eagle in Flight

Family Night

and Eagle Court of Honor

October 24, 2000

      It was a night of celebration at the Balmer Elementary School as Steve Thompson and Sean Koopman became Eagle Scouts #62 and #63.

Committee Members hard at work in the kitchen
Committee Members hard at work in the kitchen.
Dinner Is Served!
Dinner Is Served!

People at this table seem to be really
 enjoying the food!

Likewise here!
Sean needs to keep his uniform clean.
Sean needs to keep his uniform clean.
Steve seems to have managed OK.
Steve seems to have managed OK.
Steve with his grandmother, Ruth, and Dad, Jack
Steve shares a moment with his
grandmother, Ruth, and Dad, Jack.
Nathan Morse, Matt Mullen, Dave DerMugrditchian, and Eric Newman
Nathan Morse, Matt Mullen, Dave DerMugrditchian, and Eric Newman
lead the Opening Ceremony.

Tim Harris reads Steve's biography.

Josh Adams reads Sean's biography.
Fellow Scouts, Friends & Family
Fellow Scouts, Friends & Family congratulate the new Eagle Scouts.
New Eagle Scout Steve with Father
New Eagle Scout Steve with Father Jack, Mother Nancy, and brother Alex.